Sunday, August 9, 2009

Anyone there?

I wonder if anyone is reading this, and if not, should I bother to revamp it. I'm thinking one post per program in addition to the current posts that show them grouped by type. And also a post on programs I tried but didn't like. Hm.


  1. You only list the good stuff about these sites. These sites aren't perfect and that is why I go to

  2. I hadn't heard about that site, thanks! But I don't just say good things about the sites. I'm working on sites not to use, for one thing, and I also have some negative points in the sites I am promoting. But these are my personal experiences, as stated in the blog subtitle; if I haven't had bad experiences, I don't have anything negative to write.

  3. After looking at the site you gave, it seems like it is just like mine... a user giving their experiences. And I have to say, some of it is inaccurate, other parts unfair. The fact that they are more negative than I am doesn't make my experiences less valid. But, honestly, they say to stay away from Peace&Love because of confusing layout (it isn't at all), not being able to ignore offers (hardly a big issue, in my honest opinion), and... the main reason... high payout. At $10. And yet they recommend TreasureTroopers, which has a $20 payout. It's very confusing.
